• Quickly find root cause at SKU & customer level
  • Monitor Price Realization
  • Optimize Low Margin Customers/Products
  • Eliminate Under-Performing SKUs
  • Isolate mix impacts from price issues

revenue lift from recovering lost pricing and hidden inefficiencies

benefit to bottom line for typical $20M/yr manufacturer

month payback period once implemented

  • Contribution Margin $/Unit trends
  • Key Drivers to Pocket Margin
  • Order transactions below margin thresholds
  • Mix impact versus underlying price or cost issues

Reach out now to discover how ProfitMatrix can improve your business profitability within 3 months.

Risk Free Engagement – Review margin improvement potential before committing

Give ProfitMatrix the opportunity to analyze your order data with our proprietary software and receive a personalized report listing inefficiencies, potential pricing lift, and margin improvement potential.

  • Track price action performance
  • Breakdown Customer & Product pocket margins
  • Identify stagnant pricing
  • Pinpoint Over-discounting

Schedule time to review your challenges and how ProfitMatrix can improve your pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Preferably three years of detailed sales and cost data at the customer location and SKU level, however we can work with you based on your data capabilities and business needs.

ProfitMatrix analyzes a sub-set of your order data and provides a summary of pricing and costing opportunities to pursue.

Typically manufacturers with large, fragmented customer bases and a high SKU count (1K+) have the most opportunities to recapture inefficiencies in pricing and costing.

Pricing is dependent on the size of the margin improvement potential. You benefit by capturing the majority of price & margin lift and ProfitMatrix is paid a % of these improvements.